
The tutorial consists of a series of Google Colab notebooks. Static non-editable versions are also available.



Colab Link

Tutorial 1

Spike Encoding with snnTorch

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Tutorial 2

The Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuron

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Tutorial 3

A Feedforward Spiking Neural Network

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Tutorial 4

2nd Order Spiking Neuron Models (Optional)

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Tutorial 5

Training Spiking Neural Networks with snnTorch

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Tutorial 6

Surrogate Gradient Descent in a Convolutional SNN

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Tutorial 7

Neuromorphic Datasets with Tonic + snnTorch

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Advanced Tutorials

Colab Link

Population Coding

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Regression: Part I - Membrane Potential Learning with LIF Neurons

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Regression: Part II - Regression-based Classification with Recurrent LIF Neurons

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Binarized Spiking Neural Networks: Erik Mercado

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Accelerating snnTorch on IPUs

Dataset Tutorials

Colab Link

Exoplanet Hunter: Finding Planets Using Light Intensity

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Spiking-Tactile MNIST Neuromorphic Dataset

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Future tutorials on spiking neurons and training are under development.